A Systematic Literature Review of Factors Linked to Community Cohesion in the Society
This article's objective is to identify the factors linked to community cohesion in society. Therefore, this article presents various factors linked to community cohesion in six years' latest studies worldwide. This article used a systematic literature review method to gather the previous study results and systematically develop the theme. The formulation of PICo was used to build this article's research question. Then, the PRISMA framework was used as the guideline for the review process. The articles collected for review in this paper is rigorously extracted from Scopus and Google Scholar database. The review of 24 articles identifies five factors mostly linked to community cohesion: governance and development, social capital, psychological factor, value, cultural and civic engagement. This study has shown that governance development is the top frequently associated with enhancing community cohesion. At the same time, this study also proved that governance development was not an absolute determinant of community cohesion. Non-material factors such as the shared value and psychological factors are widely focused in other countries to improve the cohesion in their community. This paper only focused on the term community cohesion and excluded another term that may have a similar concept to community cohesion. Future study is recommended by including another similar concept of community cohesion for a broad understanding of the cohesion in the community for ensuring unity and harmony in the diverse society.
Keywords: community cohesion, diversity, society.
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