Indonesian Students’ Nationalism Quality and Its Affecting Factors

Rukiyati, Lalu Sumardi


This study aims to identify the quality of the nationalism of students and the factors affecting it.  It is a survey and exploration in nature. The method applied is the mixed method of the explanatory sequential type. The data were collected using a questionnaire and through in-depth interviews. The quantitative data were analyzed using the percentage technique and Structural Equation Model (SEM), while the qualitative data were analyzed using the interactive data analysis. The findings show that 62,89% of the students have medium nationalism, 36,25% have high nationalism, and 0,86% have low nationalism. The quality level of students' nationalism depends on the positive and negative information about the life of their nation and country. As to the affecting factors, out of seven factors analyzed, only three factors have significant effects: the organization with a coefficient value of 0,94, parents’ job with a coefficient value of 0,63, and parents’ education with a coefficient value of 0,59. These three factors have significant effects due to intensive and positive interactions about nation and state, while the other four factors are not. The quality of Indonesian students' nationalism needs to be improved. Most of them have moderate nationalism. Regarding the factors influencing student nationalism, the factors directly related to students have a significant effect.


Keywords: students’ nationalism (SN), nationalism quality (NQ), affecting factors (AF).

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