The Role of the Digital Healthcare Platform Ecosystem in Economic, Social and Health Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Almost all countries have made various efforts, including using digital technology to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on health, economy, and society that has hit the whole world. This research aims to explore the role of the healthcare digital platform ecosystem in economic, social, and public health resilience. The research employed a qualitative method with content analysis to describe the balance of illustrative extraction and analytical narrative based on primary and secondary data. An online semi-structured open statement questionnaire was distributed through WhatsApp Group (WAG), and 111 respondents' replies were primary data. Secondary data were collected from reviews and ratings of the five most used Indonesian digital healthcare platforms on the Google Play Store. The research findings show that the digital healthcare platform ecosystem plays a role in shaping the economic, social, and health resilience of the community through (a) serving public goods, (b) creating meta-platforms, and (c) optimizing service operations. The platform owner plays a role in standardizing and aggregating the information on healthcare services. Healthcare access becomes affordable and more widely accessible without harming the economic goal of the autonomous complements. The utilization of the healthcare ecosystem complements such as hospitals, doctors, and pharmacies was increased during pandemic COVID-19. This research novelty contribution is on the digital platform ecosystem approach for further development of the healthcare services, especially in the use of big data from the meta-platform of the healthcare ecosystem. Further research is recommended to build a comprehensive ecosystem optimization model so that the dominant platform owner does not hinder the platform's autonomous ecosystem complements in creating community resilience in the post-pandemic era.
Keywords: digital platform ecosystem, community resilience, healthcare, COVID-19.
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