Adverse Reactions to Contrast Media in Patients Seen at the International Clinic, San Borja Headquarters
This paper aimed to determine the adverse reactions related to contrast media used in patients treated in the imaging unit of the International Clinic, San Borja headquarters, from January to December 2019. The study methodology was of a basic descriptive-retrospective type, with a non-experimental cross-sectional design. The study sample consisted of medical indications from the treating physician obtained in the imaging area. The data collection sheets of the patients who presented adverse reactions were used as an instrument to measure the study variables. The research identified that the adverse reactions in patients were of dermatological (79.6%, 41) and respiratory (4.5%, 3) nature. The highest incidence was observed in females (63.6%, 28). Adults (29 to 49 years) formed the most frequent age group, comprising 70.5% (31). Skin rash and pruritus with 36.4% and 15.9% of cases were the most frequent adverse reactions related to contrast media used in patients treated in the imaging area of the International Clinic, San Borja headquarters.
Keywords: adverse reactions, contrast media, incidence, severity.
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