Positive Academic Emotions and Academic Achievement: The Role of Academic Psychological Capital

Trung Thanh Ngo, Huu Thanh Vu, Luong Tam Huynh


Academic achievement and academic psychology have been paid much attention to and studied by educational managers and psychologists for the past few years. A survey of 613 university students in Vietnam used a pre-designed questionnaire to investigate the relationship between positive academic emotions, psychological capital, and achievement. In this study, academic psychological capital is viewed as a high-ordered construct composed of four components: self-efficacy, hope, resilience, and optimism. The formative measurement model is used to assess this construct. This study uses both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The in-depth interview method is used in qualitative research to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship amongst concepts and complete the interview questionnaire. The Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM) is utilized for quantitative research. The research findings indicate certain relations between these concepts. Positive academic emotions, in particular, have a positive impact on academic psychological capital and academic achievement. Academic psychosocial capital also has a positive relationship with academic achievement. In addition to the direct effects mentioned above, the study discovers that academic psychological capital plays a mediating role in the impact of positive academic emotions on academic achievement. This study also offers some managerial implications to the research problems to improve university students’ achievement.


Keywords: positive academic emotions, academic achievement, academic psychological capital, higher education.

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