Enhancing Basic Service Delivery through Social Accountability Mechanisms

Elvin Shava, Costa Hofisi


Social accountability strengthens the relationship between communities, local governments, and service providers. This article aimed to examine using three social accountability mechanisms, Integrated Development Planning, local government elections, and citizen scorecards, by municipal officials to uphold social accountability in basic service delivery in selected communities of the City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality, South Africa. The paper adopted a mixed-methods approach using a questionnaire survey (N = 270), in-depth interviews (N = 20), and documentary analysis. Analysis of major findings shows that the IDP was a major tool used by the City of Tshwane to conduct public forums for accountability to citizens regarding their money. However, limited citizen participation in IDP forums hindered social accountability and basic service delivery. Findings also further show that local government elections were an effective mechanism for upholding social accountability in communities. In addition, the findings indicate that citizen scorecards were slightly effective as social accountability mechanisms, probably due to minimal citizen participation. Given the ever-contested public service environment Tshwane found itself in, the study advocates for an educative and all-inclusive social accountability campaign where citizens are encouraged to participate in IDP forums to voice their concerns and transform their communities through demanding smart service delivery.


Keywords: social accountability, service delivery, citizen participation.

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