Biopharmaceutical Commodities: Equality of Welfare and Successful Regional Development
The study aims to investigate the impact of producing biopharmaceutical commodities on regional development and community welfare. The existence of biopharmaceutical plant commodities in developed countries is a tool to realize an increase in the welfare of farmers and accelerate the success of regional development. As a province known as an area that utilizes biopharmaceutical plants, the North Sumatra Province failed to optimize it. The existence of biopharmaceutical plants produced by the North Sumatra Province must be downstreamed. Downstreaming biopharmaceutical plants is possible if one knows what diseases are cured and how the number of sufferers is and how it plays a role in improving the welfare of farmers and encouraging the success of regional development. The calculations using the LQ and SS formulas show four leading biopharmaceutical commodities: ginger, cardamom, kencur, and noni. The results of IJAH Analytics' analysis show that these four commodities can cure 60 types of chronic and acute diseases. The suitability test results of IJAH Analytics and the Health Service report revealed that ginger, cardamom, kencur, and noni could cure 48 types of diseases, and more than 618 thousand sufferers would be treated. This potential is an economic opportunity that will change the condition of the primary and secondary sectors: increase the values of NTP and investment, labor absorption, allow easier access to capital, clearer market segmentation, and encourage the success of regional development.
Keywords: agroindustry, traditional medicine small business, traditional medicine micro-business, disease, biopharmaceutical plants, equitable distribution of welfare.
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