Self-Efficacy, Collaboration, Communication, and Problem-Solving Skills of Islamic Pre-Service Teachers Based on Gender and Grade Levels

Muhamad Yusuf


This study aims to explore university students’ self-efficacy (SE), collaboration and communication skills (CCS), and problem-solving skills (PSS) based on gender and grade levels. The type of research used is quantitative research with a survey method. Five hundred students (300 females and 200 males) were selected by random cluster sampling. In a cross-sectional survey design, data were collected using the SE and CCS questionnaires, the PSS test, and interview guidelines. Quantitative data analysis applied the MANOVA test at a significance level of .05, while the Patton analysis technique was employed to analyze data from interviews. The study comes up with several interesting findings: 1) females have higher levels of SE, CCS, and PSS than males; 2) gender-based differences of SE, CCS, and PSS among students did exist, yet no differences were identified on grade levels; 3) SE, CSS, and PSS differences based on gender and grade levels occur simultaneously; 4) gender factor has significant effects on PSS; and 5) there were no SE, CCS, and PSS differences among freshmen, sophomores, and junior students. The survey findings were confirmed by findings from interviews, where female students have higher self-confidence, problem-solving and communication skills, and cooperation than male students, and no SE, CCS, and PSS differences were identified among freshmen, sophomores, and junior students. The novelty of this research is to analyze the self-efficacy (SE), collaboration and communication skills (CCS), and problem-solving skills (PSS) of students based on gender and grade levels.


Keywords: self-efficacy, collaboration and communication skills, problem-solving skills, gender, grade levels.

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