Students’ Expectations from Using Virtual Laboratory Media in the Electronic Engineering Education

Mochamad Sukardjo, Uswatun Khasanah, Stephanus Turibius Rahmat, Yayan Sudrajat


Virtual laboratories are useful for Electronic Engineering Education students in practical learning. Virtual laboratories provide real-world experience for students from the virtual world to the real world, making practical work on complex equipment easy. This study aimed to find out the perceptions and activities of students towards Android-based virtual laboratory applications as an introductory learning medium for practice in industrial electronics courses. The method used in this research is Research and Development, which is used to design a Virtual Laboratory. This study, based on the results of a survey of Electronic Engineering students on the use of virtual laboratory media, shows a positive response, although some students do not subscribe to the internet at home. The data shows that 95% of students responded strongly agree and agree. Therefore, an Android-based virtual laboratory in the Industrial Electronics course is feasible in practical learning. The implication is that a virtual laboratory makes it easier for students to do practicum during the COVID-19 pandemic. Virtual laboratories can improve student skills in the field of industrial electronics. They help in independent learning because they can be operated anytime and from anywhere. The novelty of this research is a virtual laboratory project in the electronics industry.


Keywords: virtual laboratory, learning, industrial electronics.

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