Tangible and Intangible Values with the Mediating Role of Perceived Quality in Customer Loyalty to Vietnamese Enterprises
In highly competitive markets, among domestic enterprises and internal corporations, customers' insatiable wants change rapidly, contributing to many enterprises' stress. Enterprises display their best attributes and strive to provide outstanding value to gain customers and satisfy their requirements. This article presents outcomes of the study of tangible values (TVA) and intangible values (IVA), with the mediating role of perceived quality (PQU) on customer loyalty (CLO) towards Vietnamese enterprises in the new era. A quantitative approach is applied in this study. The data samples were collected in Ho Chi Minh City using a random method. After filtering the good data, 399 data samples were selected and applied to this study. The results of SEM analysis indicated that the research model was valid. IVA and TVA have direct and indirect effects on CLO. The mediating role of PQU affected CLO positively. The outcomes of this study indicate that if the management of Vietnamese enterprises in HCMC locations has a good perception and applies the IVA and TVA in their business and marketing strategy, this will support improvement and perceived quality (PQU) towards customer loyalty (CLO). The results of this study also benefit the field of marketing and other future practitioners who can apply them and continue to study the role of tangible and intangible values and perceived quality to support customer loyalty.
Keywords: tangible values, intangible values, customer loyalty, perceived quality, Vietnam.
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