Does Digital Readiness Influence Students' Competence?: Lesson from the Covid-19 Pandemic

Moh. Rodli, Yatim Riyanto, Bachtiar S Bachri


This study examines the relationship between digital readiness and e-learning environment through the use of ICT based on the SAMR model of the competence of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) students in Mojokerto Regency. This research can provide solutions for ICT adoption in improving the quality of learning. Teachers can modify ICT according to learning topics and change ICT applications according to learning needs. Previous research on the use of UIS by schools has not been conducted. Because, in Indonesia, digital literacy has only been sporadically optimized during the COVID-19 pandemic. PLS-SEM was adopted to get a detailed understanding of the influence among variables. This research involved about 265 students of MAN Mojokerto. This finding shows that students' Competence in online learning is influenced by several digital readiness variables, e-learning environment, and use of ICT based on the SAMR model. In part, digital readiness impacts the formation of student competencies. Contrary to expectations, this study did not find a significant difference between digital readiness, e-learning environment, and ICT use based on the SAMR model to MAN students in Mojokerto Regency. These results imply that the condition and readiness of students in digital readiness, e-learning environment, and the application of the use of ICT based on the SAMR model can encourage the formation of student competencies.


Keywords: digital readiness, e-learning environment, use of ICT based on SAMR, student's competence.

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