Antecedents of the Positive E-WOM from a TV Program that Stream on a Social Media Platform: An Evidence from Indonesian Viewers
The television (TV) industry faces new challenges. Currently, viewers are shifting from watching the conventional TV programs to consuming video content through social media platforms. TV stations extend their profound entertainment program’s to be streaming on the social media platform. However, there are still limited studies to explain this shifting phenomenon from the viewer’s perspective. This study aims to analyze antecedents that shape the viewer’s intentions and further to behavior that favors the TV stations as in expressing their positive electronic word of mouth (e-WOM). The structural model was tested by an empirical study based on the population of the comedy genre viewer. The situation comedy was selected from a famous serial program produced by one leading TV station streaming on the YouTube platform. A total of 1,186 respondents are purposely taken as a sample with certain criteria. The data collected by online questionnaires were analyzed through the Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) approach. Both continuous watching and consumption intention have proven to have a significant and positive impact on positive e-WOM. This study revealed that interactivity predominantly influences continuous watching intention, while humor appeal affects consumption intention more. Fear of missing out (FOMO) and physical attractiveness also showed a significant effect for both intentions. It was found that the male gender tends to strengthen the effect from consumption intention to the positive e-WOM.
Keywords: positive electronic word of mouth, continuous watching intention, consumption intention, situation comedy, television, social media platform.
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