Evaluation of Tourism Policy Based on Local Knowledge: The Case of Lake Toba, Indonesia

Beny Octofryana Yousca Marpaung, Dwira Nirfalini Aulia, Eric Witarsa, Felicia Tania


The Indonesian government should design policies to provide a socially inclusive and local knowledge-based tourism framework. Tourism policies are weak in promoting local knowledge-based tourism, contributing to economic turnover. Implementing local knowledge-based government policies is essential and strategic because it can trigger an increase in the economy of the people who occupy the seven regencies around the Lake Toba tourist attraction. The objective of this study is to analyze the application of tourism policies based on local knowledge in the buffer districts of the Lake Toba Region based on the social context that includes economic, government, political, and cultural facts. In collecting data, this study uses primary data and secondary data. This article presents the analysis of preliminary data and secondary data as a result of observation with a qualitative approach. Through qualitative methods, this study analyzes and interprets tourism policies on the facts of local knowledge. Policy observation focuses on exploring the reciprocal interactions that affect the implementation of tourism policies. The analysis of the evaluation of tourism development policies in this study found that the availability of supporting resources had not been allocated clearly. External conditions (social, economic, and political) hinder the implementation of local knowledge-based tourism policies effectively and optimally. In the future, this study should develop a mapping of local knowledge-based systems to establish a common understanding in the collective management of complex policy issues among stakeholders—mapping of local knowledge-based systems to support evaluation designs in sustainable tourism programs in the Lake Toba region.


Keywords: community, evaluation, local knowledge, policy, stakeholders, tourism.

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