Relation of the Covid-19 Pandemic and Perpetrators in Indonesia: A Qualitative Analysis

Hamsir, Muhammad Ikram Nur Fuady


This study investigated the relation of the Covid-19 pandemic on crime trends and perpetrators. The study focused on the Gowa District area by conducting in-depth interviews with 40 detainees who are criminals during the pandemic period from March 2020 to August 2021. The findings in this study are that the number of crimes tends to decrease during the Covid-19 pandemic in Gowa Regency. It is mirrored by the downward trend of 32.5% in 2019 and 11.2% in 2020. Most of these crimes are economic crimes committed to earn big profits, where researchers found a total of 12 types of crime through 40 respondents. The crimes also dominate in densely populated areas in the capital city, such as market areas and densely populated settlements. This is also supported by the perspective of criminals' mindset that the Covid-19 pandemic is an opportunity to commit crimes. They tend not to believe in the existence of the coronavirus. The following finding is that crimes committed during the Covid-19 pandemic have several causative factors: economic pressure, calm conditions, and intercommunication, while economic pressure is dominant. Therefore, it showed that the coronavirus pandemic significantly affects economic conditions that contribute to the growth of crime. The researchers recommend that the police pay more attention to patrolling densely populated areas in the urban area. The government immediately provides alternative solutions in improving economic conditions during the pandemic so that crime does not happen again.


Keywords: Covid-19 pandemic, crime, crime trend, perpetrators.

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