Branded Video Game: A Review of Advergame as a Marketing Tool
Advergame research has attracted the attention of researchers and practitioners because of its unique structure for engaging with customers. The outcomes, on the other hand, have been contradictory or insignificant. Therefore, this study aims to synthesize findings from several empirical studies that adhere to predetermined stages or protocols. Thus, we could identify research gaps and provide new insights for future research in this field. We applied the Theory, Context, Characteristics, and Methodology (TCCM) procedure to systematically review 30 eligible articles published in the last ten years. We also used the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) flowchart to search multiple journal databases for articles. Our findings suggest that existing studies rely on flow, affect transfer, the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM), and the Persuasion Knowledge Model (PKM) as theoretical foundations. Most studies were conducted in the United States and India, with adolescent and adult participants predominating. Our review reveals that web-based advergame, real brand, food and beverage product categories were frequently implemented. According to our findings, cognitive responses were widely used to assess advergame effectiveness. By integrating findings and perspectives from many empirical studies related to advergame, our study will provide an overview of advertising areas, particularly in non-traditional advertising formats. As a result, it can be used to identify knowledge gaps, develop research agendas, or as a critical component in developing theoretical frameworks and conceptual models. Advergame has evolved as a "new" marketing tool that has shown to be an effective marketing campaign for engaging customers. Although various studies have shed light on the adoption, design, and effects of an advergame, there is a scarcity of research that systematically evaluates and summarizes past findings. The majority of previous research has relied on meta-analysis or content analysis studies. This study aims to bridge that gap despite the need for more advergame information.
Keywords: advergame, marketing tools, preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses; theory, context, characteristics, and methodology.
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