Gandrung Dance: The Representation of History, Aesthetics, and Sociology of Bali Aga Community Based on Tri Hita Karana

Ida Ayu Trisnawati, I. Wayan Putra Yasa


This study aims to describe the historical, aesthetic, and sociological values of Gandrung Dance as the identity of the Balinese Aga community. This type of research is qualitative research. The research step begins with determining the research location and collecting data through interview techniques, observation, and document analysis. Next, the data that has been obtained is tested through data triangulation techniques, methods, and theories. The final stage is presenting the data with the help of historical, aesthetic, and sociological theories. The study results show that the Gandrung Dance in the village of Sidetapa, Buleleng, Bali, has a unique characteristic that male dancers dance. In addition, this Gandrung Sidetapa dance contains a lot of aesthetic or artistic value, seen from the dance movements, dress style, make-up, musical accompaniment, and accompanying singing. The goal is to create a harmonious attitude toward God, humans, and nature, known as Tri Hita Karana. The value of Tri Hita Karana is embodied in religious activities as a representation of Parhyangan. Social integration exists in the form of Pawongan, and using natural facilities and infrastructure represents Palemahan. Historically, Gandrung Dance is thought to have emerged in the XII century, influenced by East Java. Sociologically, this dance functions as a medium of socialization and communication, manifested in religious, ecological, character values, and symbols. These values become guidelines for the Bali Aga community in Bali.


Keywords: the Gandrung dance, history, aesthetics, sociology, Bali Aga, Tri Hita Karana.

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