Organizational Culture and Work Ethic in Improving Sustainable Performance in Type C Hospitals in East Jakarta: A Conceptual Paper

Dicky Yulius Pangkey, Ahmad Hidayat Sutawijaya, Masydzulhak Djamil, Ahmad Badawy Saluy


This study aims to explore the effect of the relationship between organizational culture and competence on sustainable performance for Type C Hospitals X, Y, and Z in East Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia. This study is a part of a pre-survey that will provide new findings where the framework was built in this study has not been found in previous research within the hospital service industry sector. Given the increasingly fierce competition in health services, it is necessary to have proper hospital management so as not to abandon its ideal aspect, not only through applying the concept of improving human resource quality, but every employee must also be able to see the vision and mission which is supported by formulating tactical strategies to create sustainability for Type C Hospitals X, Y, and Z. The population in this study was 100 hospital employees, among which only 60 employees participated in this study. We used key performance indicators and a short questionnaire related to performance to measure employee performance. The data were analyzed using the descriptive quantitative method. The results show that organizational cultures and work ethic in improving sustainable performance were essential. Furthermore, work ethic is a key factor in improving the relationship between organizational cultures and performance. This paper proposes a conceptual model to further understand organizational culture and work ethic in improving sustainable performance in Type C hospitals in East Jakarta. This article is then developed into concrete research hypotheses for future studies, and managerial implications are explained further in the conclusion section.


Keywords: organizational culture, competence, hospital, performance.

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