A Systematic Review of Pedagogical Practices in the Education 4.0

Muhammed Yusuf, Mohammed Y.M. Mai, Samah Hatem Al Maki, Kama Bin Shaffeei, Aroyewun Temitope Folashade, Bamiro Nurudeen Babatunde, Morufudeen Adeniyi Shittu


Demands of the twenty-first century and industrial’s needs are obviously changing, while many jobs and skills were not needed or, to some certain levels, are irrelevant in the job market, rendering some graduates locally and internationally unemployed, which leads some time to an economic dilemma. The current rising in technological evolution in the business world is known as the Industry 4.0 revolution. Simultaneously, education 4.0 is designed to bridge the gap between graduate job market requirements, the technology landscape changes, and the content of learning in institutions of learning globally. The primary purpose of this study was to perform a literature review to identify and classify the pedagogical practices that were most effectively used in education 4.0 to promote the acquisition of 21st-century skills among graduates. Mainly, a systematic review approach was used to explore past studies on Pedagogical Practices in Education 4.0; from 2018 to 2022 applying the PRISMA method in the review process. The study identified the stimulation of students - instructors' readiness and involvement as crucial elements to facing the challenges of education 4.0. It is a critical factor in obtaining education 4.0 resolution skills and enhancing character education in developing soft skills, curriculum design, learning modules, assessment strategy, and classroom experience. In conclusion, effective integration of education 4.0 into the learning institutions is visible with a paradigm shift by infusing education 4.0 elements into the curriculum, its pedagogical practices and stimulating enthusiasm among students and instructors. Thus, an adequate budget must be allocated to learning institutions with innovative monitoring systems, especially for developing countries, not to lag behind developed nations permanently. The novelty of this study is that it focuses on exciting literature on effective pedagogical practices to encourage graduates to acquire Education 4.0 technological skills using the PRISMA technique.


Keywords: pedagogical practices, Education 4.0, 21st-century skills, graduates, Industry 4.0 revolution.


DOI: https://doi.org/10.55463/hkjss.issn.1021-3619.60.49


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