A Systematic Literature Review: The Role of Big Data on Project Management and Project Sustainability

Wihaga Satya Khresna, Harjanto Prabowo, Mohammad Hamsal, Boto Simatupang


Technological developments place demands on human work to be able to adapt quickly in processing data by utilizing big data. Big data has a role to increase productivity and reduce risks associated with projects. Utilizing the advantages of Big Data can reduce these losses and maximize productivity with existing materials. Effective project management can be achieved through the use of Big Data to enhance stakeholder engagement and project planning. Moreover, the use of Big Data to improve project management and promote project sustainability is still considered the pinnacle of value that can be achieved by its implementation. Big data is still not widely used, and most initiatives rely on more abstract concepts. Although several studies have looked at how Big Data can be used in many industries, the results are still not considered very thorough or clear. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the benefits of big data for project management and project sustainability, so that later the strongest aspects will be found which make the reasons why the use of big data is needed in all industrial or corporate projects. This research method uses systematic literature. The sample in this study included 20 identified articles out of 171 articles taken by purposive sampling through journal indexing portals in the form of Google Scholar and Scopus. Data collection techniques used PICOS and a Systematic Review Diagram based on PRISMA with data analysis in the form of mapping using the Systematic Review model. The results state that the role of big data in project management can be seen when a company is successful in running an information acquisition system easily and quickly to reduce risks in the projects it designs. Any company can use this work to improve project management and sustainability, enabling more efficient structuring and planning.


Keywords: big data, project management, project sustainability.


DOI: https://doi.org/10.55463/hkjss.issn.1021-3619.61.5

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