A Form of Local Wisdom in Bantane Village
Until now, local wisdom in Bantane Village was not documented with explaining that wisdom implemented in the village as traditions, such as ceremonies bara'a, mabua'ro, ehatta and mata'ba, as well as implementation of traditional leadership and customary systems or Tarattada Adat'tu Wanua. The study analyzed tarattadda piarra'u addatta (customary leadership) as a form of local wisdom in Bantane Village. The benefits of this research are to develop theories of culture and produce written documents about local wisdom in Bantane Village, Rainis District, Talaud Islands Regency. This study uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The research found that Bantane is a traditional village, where the implementation of the customary rules ranges from social life to traditional leadership-based procedures (tarattadda piarra'u addatta), such as the rules in welcoming guests as a form of receiving guests in the community, which is also an appreciation for those who come this is called the term bara'a in the Bantane community. The mabua'ro is a fishing tradition without using poison so the ecosystem is balanced and nature is not damage. Meanwhile, the ehatta tradition is more about the rules for harvesting plantations, so that the results of the plants harvested are more optimal. Mata'ba is a communal pig hunting strategy, where the results will later be distributed to all villagers. This article is an effort in preserving the cultural heritage of the Indonesian nation. Far from the rapid development of knowledge regarding leadership systems and structures as well as knowledge about conservation, the local culture in Bantane village has applied knowledge about protecting natural ecosystems and performing leadership procedures.
Keywords: indigenous leadership, customary system, local wisdom, traditional village.
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