Impact of AI-Mediated Adaptive Learning Systems on Second Language Acquisition

Syed Adil, Ramadevi Sakhamuri


In the ever-changing environment of educational technology, the pursuit of more effective teaching methods continues to be of utmost importance. This study examines the relative effectiveness of adaptive learning systems (ALSs) compared with conventional classroom techniques in the context of second language acquisition (SLA). This study compares the efficiency of ALSs and conventional classroom methods in the context of SLA to determine which approach yields more favorable learning outcomes. This study assessed the attitudes and outcomes of students through a survey that compared conventional classroom settings with those incorporating ALSs. The questionnaire collected information about students’ perspectives on each learning approach without divulging specific details about the ALS technology or classroom methods. The findings reveal an unambiguous preference for ALSs among students compared with conventional methods, which is accompanied by heightened levels of motivation in ALS environments. This suggests that ALSs’ personalized learning and motivation strategies exert a significant influence on learners’ engagement and proficiency in acquiring a second language. This research carries particular significance for educators and curriculum developers because it underscores the potential of ALSs to revolutionize the process of acquiring a second language. By offering tailored instruction and fostering greater learner engagement, ALSs can significantly enhance the learning experience. The key contribution of this research is the direct comparison of ALSs with conventional methods in the area of second language instruction. In demonstrating ALSs’ unique ability to increase motivation and engagement through personalized learning, this study enhances our understanding of effective language teaching strategies.


Keywords: adaptive learning systems, artificial intelligence, second language acquisition, personalized learning, educational technology.



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