Influence of Competence on Employee Performance through Innovation Behavior at PT Industri Kapal Indonesia
This study aims to analyze the effects of competence on performance and innovation behavior, of innovation behavior on performance, and to analyze the effect of competence on performance with innovation behavior as mediating variable. This research method is quantitative. The object of this research is 165 employees at PT Industri Kapal Indonesia. The data sources used are primary and secondary data. Data collection uses questionnaires, interviews, and company documentation. The analytical tool used was SEM with Amos software version 21. The findings of this research show that competence has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at PT Industri Kapal Indonesia, both directly and indirectly, through innovation. Innovation behavior is essential in mediating competence on employee performance at PT Industri Kapal Indonesia. This research implies that innovation behavior can encourage performance and develop organizational competence to achieve set targets through training programs, socialization, efficient technical guidance for employees, and improving human resources through knowledge, skills, and skills for organizational progress. The novelty of this research is that previous researchers only focused on the influence of competence on performance and did not touch innovation behavior as a mediator. Innovation behavior has not been widely studied as a mediating variable; thus, researchers have used innovation behavior as a mediator.
Keywords: competence, innovation behavior, performance.
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