Interpretative Structural Modeling in Implementing Digital Competence: Empirical Study of Indonesia’s Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning

Heri Mulianto, Mohammad Syamsul Maarif, Nimmi Zulbainarni, Nur Hasanah


This study aims to develop digital competency in Indonesia’s Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN). Digital transformation at the ATR/BPN faces several problems, such as the lack of technological infrastructure, where limited Internet access in some regions in Indonesia may still lead to limited Internet access, which can hinder the implementation of digital technology. This study used interpretive structural modeling (ISM) to identify the main obstacles to implementing the digital competence of the Ministry. A focus group discussion determined the relationship between elements of mutual influence, cause-effect, and incoherence. The criteria for being considered experts are those who have experience leading the agricultural and spatial planning fields in Indonesia, such as the Head of the Human Resources Development Center, Head of the Organization and Personnel Bureau, organization and human resources experts, academics, IT experts, General Inspector and General Director of the Ministry. The activity elements needed to plan actions that influence the digital competency development program for state civil apparatus (ASN) within the ATR/BPN consist of five elements: a) preparation of ASN digital competency standards, b) preparation of a digital competency development system, c) strengthening comprehensive digital transformation adaptively, d) building a digital cultural collaboration ecosystem, and e) developing a digital talent program for ATR/BPN.


Keywords: digital competence, digital transformation, interpretative structural modeling, performance, state civil apparatus.



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