Potential of Commercial Warehouse Space in Poland
Warehousing is one of the main areas of cost optimization for companies. Investing in renting warehouse space gives companies great flexibility, allowing them to adapt to changing needs by choosing the type and location of the facility based on current requirements. Warehousing can bring important benefits to companies, such as increased efficiency, cost savings, and improved customer service. Commercial warehouse facilities play a key role in ensuring the smooth flow of goods and materials throughout the supply chain, from suppliers to customers. The warehouse space segment in Poland is new compared to Western European countries. Nevertheless, thanks to convenient geographic conditions, increasingly better road infrastructure, and growing demand for warehouse space and access to skilled labor force, its development is gaining momentum. This leads to an increasingly competitive Polish warehouse market in Europe. The purpose of the survey was to determine the potential of warehousing in Poland. A total of 459 characterizations of commercial warehouse space were collected to estimate the available and future warehouse space, its structure, and available equipment. Based on the results obtained, a ranking of optimal combinations of variables was indicated, which best illustrates the potential of commercial warehouse space not only on a national scale but also on the scale of international logistics activities, which can be considered an innovative approach to the examined issue. The analyses were performed using basic indicators of descriptive statistics and the linear ordering procedure.
Keywords: warehouse space market, warehouses, Poland.
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