Understanding Well-being Determinants among Individuals with Disabilities in Abu Dhabi: Exploring Variations Across Disability Types

Masood Badri, Guang Yang, Mugheer Alkhaili, Hamad Aldhaheri, Muna Albahar, Saad Yaaqeib, Asma Alrashdi


Purpose of the Study: In Abu Dhabi, as in other regions, comprehending the factors influencing well-being among individuals with disabilities is critical for enhancing their quality of life. This research aims to investigate well-being determinants among individuals with disabilities in Abu Dhabi and examine potential variations across different disability types.

Methodology: This research analyzed data from the 4th Cycle of Abu Dhabi Quality of Life Survey conducted in 2023, which included 4,195 individuals with disabilities. Descriptive analysis and analysis of variance were used to assess well-being indicators among individuals with disabilities, discerning variations across disability types and gender.

Main Findings: This study revealed significantly higher levels of negative subjective physical health and emotional states among individuals with disabilities, and concerns regarding social relationships and support. Notably, those with multiple disabilities, deaf/blindness, and psycho/emotional disabilities reported the highest number of well-being concerns.

Applications: Disability poses multifaceted challenges to individuals’ well-being, necessitating a nuanced understanding of determinants to inform effective policies and interventions. The findings underscore the importance of tailored interventions to address well-being disparities among individuals with disabilities in Abu Dhabi and highlight the need for specific support strategies for different disability types. Future research should delve deeper into the complex interplay between disability and well-being by considering other factors, such as age, marital status, education level, and income level to inform comprehensive interventions. Acknowledging the study limitations, further research is warranted to validate the findings and explore additional dimensions of disability-related well-being disparities in Abu Dhabi.

Novelty/Originality: Research focusing on differences in well-being according to the type of disability is crucial. While many studies have examined the well-being of the general population with disabilities, there is a lack of a deep understanding of how different types of disabilities impact well-being. Thus, this study seeks to contribute to a refined understanding of disability-related well-being disparities and inform targeted strategies for inclusivity and quality of life enhancement.


Keywords: disability, disability types, quality-of-life, well-being, Abu Dhabi


DOI: https://doi.org/10.55463/hkjss.issn.1021-3619.63.28

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